Where is Meredith Maple located?


144 Oklahoma Locations as of 11/30/2024!

(There are 2 lists below sorted by name and by city/zip code)

View Meredith Maple Locations in a full screen map

Newly Added Locations This Update!

Down South Liquors – Pryor

Recently Added Locations!

Shaky Jakes – Broken Arrow
Moonshiners Liquor – McAlester
Caboose Wine & Spirits – Kellyville
Ace Liquors – Ardmore
Macadoodles – West Siloam Springs
Thru the Cellar Door – Broken Arrow
Southside Liquor – Heavener
Riverside Wine & Spirits – Tulsa
TJ Wine and Spirits – Sand Springs
Land Run Liquor – Wagoner
Pat’s Place – Sapulpa
Fort Gibson Liquor & Spirits – Fort Gibson

At the Y Liquor – Tahlequah
Shady Lady Liquor & More – Lawton
Patriot Wine & Spirits – Claremore
Covell Wine and Liquor – Edmond
Cheers Wine & Spirits – Moore
The Mule Too – Edmond
Jimbo’s Liquor – Altus
Joe’s Wine & Spirits – Norman
Sheridan Discount Liquor – Tulsa
Grove’s Royal Liquor – Grove
Hilton Garden & Lawton Fort Sill Convention Center – Lawton
Drew’s Wine and Spirits – Edmond
Modern Liquor – Oklahoma City
The Wolftrap – Edmond
Bootleggers Liquor – Lawton
Council Ten Liquor – Oklahoma City
Express Liquor – Oklahoma City
Red Dirt Reloaded Bar and Grill – Lawton

Liquids Wine & Spirits - Owasso
PJ's Bar and Grill - Broken Arrow
PArkhill Warehouse - Tulsa
B&B Liquor Warehouse - Broken Arrow

List Below is Sorted by Retailer

(There is a 2nd list below sorted by city and zip code)

Retailer Business Type Phone Address City State Zip Website
2nd Street Package Liquor Store (918) 514-4298 201 E 2nd St Sand Springs OK 74063 https://www.loc8nearme.com/oklahoma/sand-springs/2nd-street-package/3753988/
7C Land & Cattle Steakhouse Restaurant (580) 723-1060 7500 US-177 Red Rock OK 74651 https://www.facebook.com/7ClansParadiseCasino/
Ace Liquor Liquor Store (580) 224-0122 1206 S Commerce St Ardmore OK 73401  
Annie’s Liquor Liquor Store (580) 256-2025 2221 Oklahoma Ave Woodward OK 73801 https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Wine–Beer—Spirits-Store/Annies-Liquor-364157970395988/
Aspen Liquor Store Liquor Store (918) 451-0747 2201 W. Washington St Broken Arrow OK 74012 https://www.aspenliquorbrokenarrow.com/
At the Y Liquor Liquor Store (918) 456-9463 5571 S Muskogee Ave Tahlequah OK 74464 https://www.facebook.com/AtTheYLiquor/
B&B Liquor South Liquor Store (918) 299-1722 2828 E 91st St Tulsa OK 74137 http://www.bbliquorsouth.com/
B&B Liquor Warehouse – BA Liquor Store (918) 893-2777 1000 North Elm Pl. Broken Arrow OK 74012 https://www.facebook.com/bbliquorba
B&B Liquor Warehouse – Mingo Liquor Store (918) 254-4688 7002 S. Mingo Rd Tulsa OK 74133 http://www.bbliquortulsa.com/
BA Wine and Spirits Liquor Store (918) 251-6996 1208 E. Kenosha St Broken Arrow OK 74012 https://www.facebook.com/pages/B-A-Wine-Spirit/146393812051904
Bacchus Wine and Spirits Liquor Store (405) 844-5521 17216 N May Ave #9029 Edmond OK 73012 https://bwsokc.com/
Backporch Drafthouse West Bar & Grill (580) 699-2999 5370 NW Cache Rd Ste 1 Lawton OK 73505 https://www.facebook.com/BackPorchWestLawton/
Better Spirits Liquor Store (405) 247-8883 808 W Petree Rd Anadarko OK 73005 https://betterspirits.business.site/
Biergarten Wine & Spirits Liquor Store (918) 955-8152 807 E A St Ste 107 Jenks OK 74037 http://www.biergartenjenks.com/
Big Daddy’s Discount Liquor Liquor Store (580) 916-3057 105 West Elm St. Durant OK 74701 https://www.facebook.com/bigdaddysdurant/?rf=165435823489762
Blind Swine Bar & Grill (918) 257-7183 28601 S Hwy 125 Afton OK 74331 https://www.facebook.com/blindswinelounge/
Boggy River Liquor Company Liquor Store (580) 889-5554 1000 S Mississippi Ave Ste A Atoka OK 74525 https://www.facebook.com/Boggy-River-Liquor-930217383665528/
Bootlegger, The Liquor Store (405) 799-7648 1332 N Eastern Ave Moore OK 73160 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Bootlegger-Liquor/197026400311591
Bootleggers Liquor Liquor Store (580) 699-3541 2515 NW Sheridan Rd Lawton OK 73505 https://www.facebook.com/BootleggersLawton/
Broadway Liquor Mixers Liquor Store (918) 683-1306 3116 W Broadway St Muskogee OK 74401 https://www.facebook.com/broadway.liquor/
Brother’s Wine & Spirits Liquor Store (918) 225-0611 400 E Main St Cushing OK 74023 https://www.facebook.com/BrothersSpirits
Brown’s Bottle Shop Liquor Store (405) 372-5080 128 N. Main Stillwater OK 74075 http://www.brownsbottleshop.com/
C & C Liquor Liquor Store (405) 732-3226 101 N Douglas Blvd Midwest City OK 73130  
Caboose Wine & Spirits Liquor Store (918) 247-2079 13 Oak St Suite A Kellyville OK 74039 https://www.facebook.com/p/Caboose-Wine-Spirits-100095737051174/?_rdr
Cache Road Liquor & Wine Liquor Store (580) 355-7451 2002 NW Cache Rd Lawton OK 73507 http://www.cacheroadliquor.com/
Cellar Wine & Spirits Liquor Store (405) 329-9463 555 W Main St Norman OK 73069 https://www.cellarnorman.com/
Cheers Wine & Spirits Liquor Store (405) 759-3029 1019 SW 19th St Moore OK 73160 https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwie0Z7enu7_AhVCmmoFHRY7C90QFnoECCMQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fprofile.php%3Fid%3D100089629494279&usg=AOvVaw0VRnxPkHUohnv6PJ2yiIY5&opi=89978449
CJ’s Wine and Spirits Liquor Store (918) 355-0404 4103 S 193rd East Ave Broken Arrow OK 74014 https://www.cjsliquor.com/
Collins Midtown Liquor Liquor Store (918) 742-0778 1649 S Yale Ave Tulsa OK 74112 https://www.facebook.com/midtown.liquor.7/
Corkscrew Wine & Spirits Liquor Store (405) 573-9273 2319 W Lindsey St Norman OK 73069 https://corkscrewnorman.com/
Council Ten Liquor Liquor Store (405) 789-3500 1015 N Council Rd Oklahoma City OK 73127 https://www.facebook.com/Council10Liquor/
Cousins Disc Liquor Liquor Store (405) 769-2337 9205 NE 23rd St Oklahoma City OK 73141 https://cousins-discount-liquor.business.site/?utm_source=gmb&utm_medium=referral
Covell Wine and Liquor Liquor Store (405) 216-3673 5813 E Covell Rd Edmond OK 73034 https://www.facebook.com/covellwine/
Crossbow Liquor Liquor Store (918) 665-1212 11001 E. 41st St Tulsa OK 74146 https://www.facebook.com/CrossbowliquorTulsa/
Crown Spirits Liquor Store (918) 794-0794 7435 E. Admiral Pl Tulsa OK 74115 https://www.facebook.com/Crownspiritstulsa
Deep Discount Wine & Liquor Liquor Store (918) 528-4233 6525 E 51st St Tulsa OK 74145 https://deepdiscounttulsa.com/
Discount Liquor Liquor Store (580) 924-4400 118 S 21st Ave Durant OK 74701 https://www.facebook.com/discount1208/
Down South Liquors Liquor Store (918) 373-8118 6201 S Mill St Pryor OK 74361 https://www.facebook.com/downsouthliquors/
Dr.’s Orders 2 Liquor Store (580) 319-5493 2608 W Broadway St Ardmore OK 73401 https://drs-orders-wine-and-spirits.business.site/
Drew’s Wine & Spirits Liquor Store (405) 844-2188 209 Meline Dr Edmond OK 73034 https://www.facebook.com/drewswine/
Ed’s Hurricane Lounge Bar (918) 587-4610 3216 E. 11th St Tulsa OK 74104 https://www.facebook.com/Edshurricane/
Elixir Liquors Liquor Store (918) 259-9463 2409 W. Kenosha Broken Arrow OK 74012 http://www.elixirwine.com/
Elks Lodge #2673 Fraternal Organization (918) 455-2763 10266 S 241st E Ave Broken Arrow OK 74014 https://www.elks.org/lodges/home.cfm?LodgeNumber=2673
Emersumnice Brewery Brewery (918) 330-3973 102 S. Main St, Suite E Owasso OK 74055 https://emersumnicebrewery.com/
Enid Axe Party Center (580) 484-6418 104 N Independence St. Enid OK 73701 https://www.enidaxe.com/
Epique Wine & Spirits Liquor Store (918) 893-4601 6327 S Elm Pl Broken Arrow OK 74011 https://foursquare.com/v/epique-wine–spirits/4ce2e1293644a093a8e1649f
Express Liquor Liquor Store (405) 722-1536 9218 N Council Rd Oklahoma City OK 73132 https://www.facebook.com/expressliquor405/
Fluffys Liquor Beer and Wine Liquor Store (580) 353-4114 4401 NW Cache Rd Lawton OK 73505 https://fluffylovesyou.com/
Fort Gibson Liquor & Spirits Liquor Store (918) 478-3900 309 W Poplar St Fort Gibson OK 74434 https://www.facebook.com/FortGibsonLiquorandSpirits/
Fur Shop, The Bar (918) 949-4292 520 E 3rd St Tulsa OK 74120 https://www.facebook.com/TheFurShopTulsa
Garrett Creek Wine and Spirits Liquor Store (918) 371-7776 11560 N 135th E Ave Owasso OK 74055 https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Local-business/Garrett-Creek-Wine-and-Spirits-Formerly-BlackBeards-596468257061102/
Grand Cru Wine & Spirits Liquor Store (405) 749-9463 9275 N May Ave Oklahoma City OK 73120 https://www.grandcruokc.com
Grand Spirits Wine and Liquor Liquor Store (918) 786-9696 1623 S Main St, Ste C Grove OK 74344 https://www.facebook.com/people/Grand-Spirits-Wine-Liquor/100057134963946/
Grapes and Grains Liquors and Wines Liquor Store (918) 250-4020 8929 S Memorial Dr, Suite 240 Tulsa OK 74133 https://www.yelp.com/biz/grapes-and-grains-liquors-and-wines-tulsa
Green Country Liquor Liquor Store (918) 256-6721 429 E Illinois Ave Vinita OK 74301 https://www.facebook.com/GreenCountryLiquorandSpirits/
Grove’s Royal Liquor Liquor Store (918) 786-4464 2116 S Main St Grove OK 74344 https://groves-royal-liquor.business.site/?m=true
Hilton Garden & Lawton Ft Sill Conv Center Bar (580) 280-2100 135 NW 2nd St Lawton OK 73501 https://www.facebook.com/LawtonHGI/
Hinie Winey Liquor Store (405) 381-0200 5021 E Highway 37 Tuttle OK 73089 https://www.facebook.com/HinieWine/
Housers Package Store Liquor Store (918) 486-5122 14401 OK-51 Coweta OK 74429 https://housers-liquor-beer-wine.business.site/
J&J Sports Bar Sports Bar (580) 927-2322 108 N Main St Coalgate OK 74538 https://www.facebook.com/JjsSportsBar
Jimbos Liquor Liquor Store (580) 318-9210 510 E Broadway St Altus OK 73521 https://www.facebook.com/JimbosLiquorAltus
Joe’s Wine & Spirits Liquor Store (405) 364-9262 1330 E Alameda St Norman OK 73071 http://www.joeswinesandspirits.com/
K & J’s (Millissa’s) Early Bird Bar Bar (405) 681-4248 2117 S May Ave Oklahoma City OK 73108 https://www.yelp.com/biz/millissas-early-bird-bar-oklahoma-city-2
KC Roadhouse Bar & Grill Bar & Grill (580) 745-8025 116 N 2nd Ave Durant OK 74701 https://www.facebook.com/RoadhouseDurant
Kwenchers II Liquor Store (918) 202-4759 2036 S Miller Drive Catoosa OK 74015  
Kwenchers Wine & Spirits Liquor Store (918) 609-6753 12914 E 86th St N Owasso OK 74055 https://mobile.twitter.com/kwenchers
Land Run Liquor Liquor Store (918) 485-0411 303 Blake Dr Wagoner OK 74467 https://www.facebook.com/landrun.liquor/
Liquids Wine & Spirits Liquor Store (918) 272-9463 11413 E 96th St N Owasso OK 74055 https://www.facebook.com/Liquidsowasso/
Liquor Barn Liquor Store (405) 728-7300 6969 NW Expressway Oklahoma City OK 73132 https://www.swsokc.com/
Liquor Mart Liquor Store (918) 224-7875 517 S Main St Sapulpa OK 74066 https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Wine–Beer—Spirits-Store/Liquor-Mart-365183797025657/
Los Mariachis Mexican Restaurant Mexican Restaurant (918) 251-0370 2534 E Kenosha St Broken Arrow OK 74014 https://www.losmariachisusa.net/
Macadoodles Liquor Store (918) 626-2066 248 S. Hwy 59 West Siloam Springs OK 74964 https://macadoodles.com/west-siloam-springs/
McNellies South City Irish Pub (918) 933-5250 7031 S Zurich Ave Tulsa OK 74136 https://www.mcnellies.com/locations/south-tulsa/
Miami Nights Restaurant & Lounge Cuban Restaurant (918) 835-4522 6510 E 21 St. Tulsa OK 74129 https://www.miaminightstulsa.com/
Mill Bar & Grill, The Bar & Grill (405) 949-0504 3600 NW 58th St Oklahoma City OK 73112 https://www.facebook.com/The-Mill-Neighborhood-Bar-330233634246/
Modern Liquor Liquor Store (405) 528-6995 2918 N Pennsylvania Ave Oklahoma City OK 73107 https://modernliquorokc.com/
Moonshiners Liquor Liquor Store (918) 423-3333 428 S George Nigh Expy McAlester OK 74501 https://www.yelp.com/biz/moonshiners-liquor-mcalester-2
Mountain Boomer Tavern – Lawton Bar (580) 699-2562 1320 NW Homestead Dr Lawton OK 73505 https://www.facebook.com/mountainboomertavern/
Murrel’s Bar and Grill Sports Bar   501 S Harrah Rd Suite 104 Harrah OK 73045 https://www.facebook.com/murrelsbarandgrill/
NM Liquor Store Liquor Store   365 US-169 Unit C Oolagah OK 74053  
Northside Liquor Liquor Store (405) 546-7634 4220 N May Ave Oklahoma City OK 73112 https://www.facebook.com/NSideLiquor/
Oklahoma Joes – South Tulsa Restaurant (918) 894-4447 6175 E 61st St Tulsa OK 74136 https://okjoes.com/locations/south-tulsa
Oneta Wine and Spirits Liquor Store (918) 259-8814 24196 E Highway 51 Broken Arrow OK 74014 http://www.onetawineandspirits.com/
Other Bar & Grill Bar & Grill (918) 486-0000 12315 S 273rd E Ave Coweta OK 74429 https://www.facebook.com/theotherbarandgrill/
Out South Wine and Spirits Liquor Store (918) 299-9463 12141 S Elm St, Jenks, OK Jenks OK 74037 https://www.facebook.com/OutSouthWine/
Outlaw Liquor Liquor Store (580) 658-6335 1508 N Broadway St # B Marlow OK 73055 https://www.facebook.com/Outlaw-Liquors-147153758637497/
Owasso Liquor & Wine Liquor Store (918) 272-4202 8787 N Owasso Expy, Ste C Owasso OK 74055 https://www.facebook.com/owassoliquor/
Panchos Liquortown Liquor Store (405) 721-7351 6801 N Meridian Ave Oklahoma City OK 73116 https://panchos-liquortown.business.site/
Paradise Liquor Liquor Store (580) 248-3775 1105 SW Sheridan Rd Lawton OK 73505 https://www.facebook.com/ParadiseLiquorStore/
Parkhill’s Warehouse Liquor and Wine Liquor Store (918) 742-4187 5111 S. Lewis Ave Tulsa OK 74105 http://parkhillsliquor.com/
Parlor Restaurant (405) 294-4740 11 NE 6th St Oklahoma City OK 73104 http://www.parlorokc.com/
Party City Party Supplies (405) 721-1895 6920 NW Expressway Oklahoma City OK 73132 https://stores.partycity.com/us/ok/oklahomacity/party-store-pc1080.html
Patriot Wine & Spirits Liquor Store (918) 342-6889 1946 S Hwy 66 Claremore OK 74019 https://www.facebook.com/patriotwineandspirits74019/
Pats Place Bar (918) 224-2271 17 E Dewey Ave Sapulpa OK 74066 https://www.facebook.com/patsplacesapulpa74066/
Peps Wine & Spirits Liquor Store (405) 455-5137 10001 SE 15th Street Ste B Midwest City OK 73130 https://www.facebook.com/PEPSLIQUOR/
Pier 13 Wine & Spirits Liquor Store (918) 782-1213 1600 N 3rd St Langley OK 74350 https://www.360grandlake.com/FoodandBeverage/LiquorStores/Pier13WineSpirits.html
PJ’s Pub & Grill Pub and Grill (918) 806-6869 9999 S Mingo Rd Ste Y Tulsa OK 74133 http://www.pjspubandgrill.com/
Pump Bar, The Bar & Grill (405) 702-8898 2425 N Walker Ave Oklahoma City OK 73103 https://www.pumpbar.net/
Ranch Acres Wine & Spirits Liquor Store (918) 747-1171 3324 East 31st Street Tulsa OK 74135 https://www.ranchacreswine.com/
Red Arrow Liquor Liquor Store (580) 795-2626 510 S 1st St Madill OK 73446 https://www.loc8nearme.com/oklahoma/madill/red-arrow-liquor/3802510/
Red Dirt Reloaded Bar and Grill Bar & Grill (580) 699-3478 6425 NW Cache Rd Lawton OK 73505 https://www.reddirtreloaded.com/
Riverside Wine & Spirits Liquor Store (918) 271-5797 5820 S Peoria Ave Tulsa OK 74105 https://www.facebook.com/p/Riverside-Wine-Spirits-100054481404570/
Riverview Wine and Spirits Liquor Store (918) 241-8717 114 S. Adams Rd Sand Springs OK 74063 https://www.riverviewwines.com/
Sammys Liquor Liquor Store (405) 237-3550 816 SE 4th St, Moore Moore OK 73160 https://www.facebook.com/Sammys-Liquor-620890718091369/
Sams A Wholesale Liquor Liquor Store (405) 943-2184 3625 NW 23rd St Oklahoma City OK 73107 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sams-Wholesale-Priced-Liquor/134331783282458
Sam’s Warehouse Liquor Liquor Store (405) 810-9111 2933 NW 63rd St Oklahoma City OK 73116 https://www.samsliquorokc.com/
Shady Lady Liquor & More Liquor Store (580) 699-3500 802 SW 11th St. Lawton OK 73501 https://www.facebook.com/ShadyLadyLiquor/
Shaky Jakes Restaurant (539) 367-1419 121 N Ash Ave Broken Arrow OK 74012 https://www.instagram.com/shakyjakesburgersandfranks/?hl=en
Sheridan Discount Liquor Liquor Store (918) 947-5477 2110 S. Sheridan Rd Tulsa OK 74129 https://www.facebook.com/sheridandiscountliquor
Side Bar, The – Out of Business Bar (580) 357-7777 201 NW Arlington Ave Lawton OK 73507 https://www.facebook.com/thesidebarlawton/
Side Track Liquor Liquor Store (580) 313-0703 227 N. Main Waurika OK 73573  
Silver Spoon Kitchen & Bakeshop Restaurant (580) 357-6800 529 SW C. Ave Lawton OK 73501 http://silverspoonlawton.com/
Slo-Ride Tavern Bar (918) 949-3393 4133 S Peoria Ave Tulsa OK 74105 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Slo-Ride/144001822299204
South County Liquor Liquor Store (918) 209-5045 12178 S Waco Ave Glenpool OK 74033 https://southcountyliquor.com/
Southside Liquor Liquor Store (918) 653-3617 100 E Ave F Heavener OK 74937 https://m.facebook.com/people/Southside-Liquor-Store/100054208433871/?locale=ka_GE
Spirit Shop, The Liquor Store (405) 321-3100 109 S. Berry Rd Norman OK 73069 https://twitter.com/TheSpiritShop
Spirits of 66 Liquor Store (918) 342-2362 409 N Lynn Riggs Blvd Claremore OK 74017 http://spiritsof66.com/
Steve’s 727 Club Sports Bar (918) 836-8529 727 N Sheridan Rd Tulsa OK 74115 https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Dance—Night-Club/Steves-727-Club-1956801814534295/
Stillwater Wine & Spirits Warehouse Liquor Store (405) 533-1466 3954 W 6th Ave Stillwater OK 74074 http://wineandspiritswarehouse.com/
Stone Creek Wine & Spirit Liquor Store (580) 622-2433 18 W Oklahoma Ave Sulphur OK 73086 https://www.facebook.com/stonecreekliquorstore
Swamp House Restaurant and Live Music (539) 867-1646 1529 E. 3rd St Tulsa OK 74120 https://www.swamphousetulsa.com/
Tasty’s Wine and Spirits Liquor Store (580) 223-5050 221 E Lake Murray Dr. Ardmore OK 73401 https://www.yellowpages.com/ardmore-ok/mip/tastys-wine-and-spirits-497364512
The Break Restaurant (918) 608-6008 310 S 3rd St Muskogee OK 74401 https://www.tripadvisor.com/Restaurant_Review-g51535-d15675367-Reviews-The_Break-Muskogee_Oklahoma.html
The District Bar & Grill (918) 274-9006 106 S Atlanta St Owasso OK 74055 https://www.facebook.com/Owassodistrictbar/
The Golf Club of OK Golf Club (918) 486-6575 20400 East 141st Street Broken Arrow OK 74014-4514 https://www.facebook.com/gcoklahoma/
The Jungle Restaurant (405) 659-6672 121 West Harrison Ave Guthrie OK 73044 https://www.facebook.com/inguthrieok/
The Mule Too Restaurant (405) 471-6853 16 S Broadway Edmond OK 73034 https://themuleokc.com/
The Succulent Shop Boutique Flowers and Bar (918) 200-2827 319 S Main St Broken Arrow OK 74012 https://www.thesucculentshopba.com/
The Wolftrap Bar (405) 340-7075 1109 S Broadway Edmond OK 73034 https://m.facebook.com/wolftrapclub/
Thru The Cellar Door Liquor Store (918) 355-9151 445 Stone Wood Dr Broken Arrow OK 74012 https://brokenarrowliquorstore.com/
TJ Wine and Spirits Liquor Store (918) 241-1900 3418 S Highway 97 Sand Springs OK 74063-4000 https://www.facebook.com/TJs.Wine.Spirits/
TK’s Cork and Bottle – Purcell Liquor Store (405) 527-6163 503 S Green Ave Purcell OK 73080 https://www.facebook.com/TKs-Cork-and-Bottle-296699401003448/
Toasted Barrel Wine & Spirits Liquor Store (405) 216-3569 18100 N May Ave Edmond OK 73012 https://www.facebook.com/ToastedBarrelOnMay/
Toddy’s Liquor and Wine Liquor Store (918) 960-2000 8005 S Sheridan Rd Tulsa OK 74133 https://www.facebook.com/Toddys-Liquor-Store-203106186920/
Trojan Wine and Spirits Liquor Store (918) 299-5312 620 W Main St. Jenks OK 74037 https://www.facebook.com/Trojan-Wine-and-Spirits-169363776425441/
Tuttle Liquor Liquor Store (405) 381-4991 404 E Main St Tuttle OK 73089 https://www.facebook.com/Tuttle-Liquor-215540249228413/
University Liquor Liquor Store (405) 573-1977 1215 E Lindsey St. Norman OK 73071 https://www.facebook.com/pages/University-Liquor/455229587932459
USA Liquors Liquor Store (918) 686-7378 903 N York St Muskogee OK 74403 https://www.facebook.com/USA-Liquors-Wine-Cellar-106964392693261/
VFW Post #382 Restaurant (405) 262-2544 1515 S Rock Island Ave El Reno OK 73036 https://www.facebook.com/VFWPost382ElReno/
Vineyard Wine & Spirits Liquor Store (405) 373-4500 12121 NW Expressway Yukon OK 73099 https://www.facebook.com/vineyardwinespirits/?rf=230173853783918
West Cache Discount Liquor Liquor Store (580) 536-6343 6321 NW Cache Rd Ste E Lawton OK 73505 http://www.cacheroadliquor.com/
Whiskey Joe’s Liquor Store (580) 584-3610 506 South Park Drive Broken Bow OK 74728 https://www.facebook.com/BrokenBowSpirits
White Crow Tavern Bar (918) 836-7522 424 S Memorial Dr Tulsa OK 74112 https://www.facebook.com/whitecrowtavern/
Woody’s Liquor Store Liquor Store (405) 263-4856 201 S. 2nd Street Okarche OK 73762 https://www.facebook.com/WoodysLiqourStore/

List Below is Sorted by City and Zip

City Zip Retailer Business Type Phone Address State RetailerPurchased Website
Afton 74331 Blind Swine Bar & Grill (918) 257-7183 28601 S Hwy 125 OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/blindswinelounge/
Altus 73521 Jimbos Liquor Liquor Store (580) 318-9210 510 E Broadway St OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/JimbosLiquorAltus
Anadarko 73005 Better Spirits Liquor Store (405) 247-8883 808 W Petree Rd OK Yes https://betterspirits.business.site/
Ardmore 73401 Ace Liquor Liquor Store (580) 224-0122 1206 S Commerce St OK Yes  
Ardmore 73401 Dr.’s Orders 2 Liquor Store (580) 319-5493 2608 W Broadway St OK Yes https://drs-orders-wine-and-spirits.business.site/
Ardmore 73401 Tasty’s Wine and Spirits Liquor Store (580) 223-5050 221 E Lake Murray Dr. OK Yes https://www.yellowpages.com/ardmore-ok/mip/tastys-wine-and-spirits-497364512
Atoka 74525 Boggy River Liquor Company Liquor Store (580) 889-5554 1000 S Mississippi Ave Ste A OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/Boggy-River-Liquor-930217383665528/
Broken Arrow 74011 Epique Wine & Spirits Liquor Store (918) 893-4601 6327 S Elm Pl OK Yes https://foursquare.com/v/epique-wine–spirits/4ce2e1293644a093a8e1649f
Broken Arrow 74012 Aspen Liquor Store Liquor Store (918) 451-0747 2201 W. Washington St OK Yes https://www.aspenliquorbrokenarrow.com/
Broken Arrow 74012 B&B Liquor Warehouse – BA Liquor Store (918) 893-2777 1000 North Elm Pl. OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/bbliquorba
Broken Arrow 74012 BA Wine and Spirits Liquor Store (918) 251-6996 1208 E. Kenosha St OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/pages/B-A-Wine-Spirit/146393812051904
Broken Arrow 74012 Elixir Liquors Liquor Store (918) 259-9463 2409 W. Kenosha OK Yes http://www.elixirwine.com/
Broken Arrow 74012 Shaky Jakes Restaurant (539) 367-1419 121 N Ash Ave OK Yes https://www.instagram.com/shakyjakesburgersandfranks/?hl=en
Broken Arrow 74012 The Succulent Shop Boutique Flowers and Bar (918) 200-2827 319 S Main St OK Yes https://www.thesucculentshopba.com/
Broken Arrow 74012 Thru The Cellar Door Liquor Store (918) 355-9151 445 Stone Wood Dr OK Yes https://brokenarrowliquorstore.com/
Broken Arrow 74014 CJ’s Wine and Spirits Liquor Store (918) 355-0404 4103 S 193rd East Ave OK Yes https://www.cjsliquor.com/
Broken Arrow 74014 Elks Lodge #2673 Fraternal Organization (918) 455-2763 10266 S 241st E Ave OK Yes https://www.elks.org/lodges/home.cfm?LodgeNumber=2673
Broken Arrow 74014 Los Mariachis Mexican Restaurant Mexican Restaurant (918) 251-0370 2534 E Kenosha St OK Yes https://www.losmariachisusa.net/
Broken Arrow 74014 Oneta Wine and Spirits Liquor Store (918) 259-8814 24196 E Highway 51 OK Yes http://www.onetawineandspirits.com/
Broken Arrow 74014-4514 The Golf Club of OK Golf Club (918) 486-6575 20400 East 141st Street OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/gcoklahoma/
Broken Bow 74728 Whiskey Joe’s Liquor Store (580) 584-3610 506 South Park Drive OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/BrokenBowSpirits
Catoosa 74015 Kwenchers II Liquor Store (918) 202-4759 2036 S Miller Drive OK Yes  
Claremore 74017 Spirits of 66 Liquor Store (918) 342-2362 409 N Lynn Riggs Blvd OK Yes http://spiritsof66.com/
Claremore 74019 Patriot Wine & Spirits Liquor Store (918) 342-6889 1946 S Hwy 66 OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/patriotwineandspirits74019/
Coalgate 74538 J&J Sports Bar Sports Bar (580) 927-2322 108 N Main St OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/JjsSportsBar
Coweta 74429 Housers Package Store Liquor Store (918) 486-5122 14401 OK-51 OK Yes https://housers-liquor-beer-wine.business.site/
Coweta 74429 Other Bar & Grill Bar & Grill (918) 486-0000 12315 S 273rd E Ave OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/theotherbarandgrill/
Cushing 74023 Brother’s Wine & Spirits Liquor Store (918) 225-0611 400 E Main St OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/BrothersSpirits
Durant 74701 Big Daddy’s Discount Liquor Liquor Store (580) 916-3057 105 West Elm St. OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/bigdaddysdurant/?rf=165435823489762
Durant 74701 Discount Liquor Liquor Store (580) 924-4400 118 S 21st Ave OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/discount1208/
Durant 74701 KC Roadhouse Bar & Grill Bar & Grill (580) 745-8025 116 N 2nd Ave OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/RoadhouseDurant
Edmond 73012 Bacchus Wine and Spirits Liquor Store (405) 844-5521 17216 N May Ave #9029 OK Yes https://bwsokc.com/
Edmond 73012 Toasted Barrel Wine & Spirits Liquor Store (405) 216-3569 18100 N May Ave OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/ToastedBarrelOnMay/
Edmond 73034 Covell Wine and Liquor Liquor Store (405) 216-3673 5813 E Covell Rd OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/covellwine/
Edmond 73034 Drew’s Wine & Spirits Liquor Store (405) 844-2188 209 Meline Dr OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/drewswine/
Edmond 73034 The Mule Too Restaurant (405) 471-6853 16 S Broadway OK Yes https://themuleokc.com/
Edmond 73034 The Wolftrap Bar (405) 340-7075 1109 S Broadway OK Yes https://m.facebook.com/wolftrapclub/
El Reno 73036 VFW Post #382 Restaurant (405) 262-2544 1515 S Rock Island Ave OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/VFWPost382ElReno/
Enid 73701 Enid Axe Party Center (580) 484-6418 104 N Independence St. OK Yes https://www.enidaxe.com/
Fort Gibson 74434 Fort Gibson Liquor & Spirits Liquor Store (918) 478-3900 309 W Poplar St OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/FortGibsonLiquorandSpirits/
Glenpool 74033 South County Liquor Liquor Store (918) 209-5045 12178 S Waco Ave OK Yes https://southcountyliquor.com/
Grove 74344 Grand Spirits Wine and Liquor Liquor Store (918) 786-9696 1623 S Main St, Ste C OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/people/Grand-Spirits-Wine-Liquor/100057134963946/
Grove 74344 Grove’s Royal Liquor Liquor Store (918) 786-4464 2116 S Main St OK Yes https://groves-royal-liquor.business.site/?m=true
Guthrie 73044 The Jungle Restaurant (405) 659-6672 121 West Harrison Ave OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/inguthrieok/
Harrah 73045 Murrel’s Bar and Grill Sports Bar   501 S Harrah Rd Suite 104 OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/murrelsbarandgrill/
Heavener 74937 Southside Liquor Liquor Store (918) 653-3617 100 E Ave F OK Yes https://m.facebook.com/people/Southside-Liquor-Store/100054208433871/?locale=ka_GE
Jenks 74037 Biergarten Wine & Spirits Liquor Store (918) 955-8152 807 E A St Ste 107 OK Yes http://www.biergartenjenks.com/
Jenks 74037 Out South Wine and Spirits Liquor Store (918) 299-9463 12141 S Elm St, Jenks, OK OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/OutSouthWine/
Jenks 74037 Trojan Wine and Spirits Liquor Store (918) 299-5312 620 W Main St. OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/Trojan-Wine-and-Spirits-169363776425441/
Kellyville 74039 Caboose Wine & Spirits Liquor Store (918) 247-2079 13 Oak St Suite A OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/p/Caboose-Wine-Spirits-100095737051174/?_rdr
Langley 74350 Pier 13 Wine & Spirits Liquor Store (918) 782-1213 1600 N 3rd St OK Yes https://www.360grandlake.com/FoodandBeverage/LiquorStores/Pier13WineSpirits.html
Lawton 73501 Hilton Garden & Lawton Ft Sill Conv Center Bar (580) 280-2100 135 NW 2nd St OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/LawtonHGI/
Lawton 73501 Shady Lady Liquor & More Liquor Store (580) 699-3500 802 SW 11th St. OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/ShadyLadyLiquor/
Lawton 73501 Silver Spoon Kitchen & Bakeshop Restaurant (580) 357-6800 529 SW C. Ave OK Yes http://silverspoonlawton.com/
Lawton 73505 Backporch Drafthouse West Bar & Grill (580) 699-2999 5370 NW Cache Rd Ste 1 OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/BackPorchWestLawton/
Lawton 73505 Bootleggers Liquor Liquor Store (580) 699-3541 2515 NW Sheridan Rd OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/BootleggersLawton/
Lawton 73505 Fluffys Liquor Beer and Wine Liquor Store (580) 353-4114 4401 NW Cache Rd OK Yes https://fluffylovesyou.com/
Lawton 73505 Mountain Boomer Tavern – Lawton Bar (580) 699-2562 1320 NW Homestead Dr OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/mountainboomertavern/
Lawton 73505 Paradise Liquor Liquor Store (580) 248-3775 1105 SW Sheridan Rd OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/ParadiseLiquorStore/
Lawton 73505 Red Dirt Reloaded Bar and Grill Bar & Grill (580) 699-3478 6425 NW Cache Rd OK Yes https://www.reddirtreloaded.com/
Lawton 73505 West Cache Discount Liquor Liquor Store (580) 536-6343 6321 NW Cache Rd Ste E OK Yes http://www.cacheroadliquor.com/
Lawton 73507 Cache Road Liquor & Wine Liquor Store (580) 355-7451 2002 NW Cache Rd OK Yes http://www.cacheroadliquor.com/
Lawton 73507 Side Bar, The – Out of Business Bar (580) 357-7777 201 NW Arlington Ave OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/thesidebarlawton/
Madill 73446 Red Arrow Liquor Liquor Store (580) 795-2626 510 S 1st St OK Yes https://www.loc8nearme.com/oklahoma/madill/red-arrow-liquor/3802510/
Marlow 73055 Outlaw Liquor Liquor Store (580) 658-6335 1508 N Broadway St # B OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/Outlaw-Liquors-147153758637497/
McAlester 74501 Moonshiners Liquor Liquor Store (918) 423-3333 428 S George Nigh Expy OK Yes https://www.yelp.com/biz/moonshiners-liquor-mcalester-2
Midwest City 73130 C & C Liquor Liquor Store (405) 732-3226 101 N Douglas Blvd OK Yes  
Midwest City 73130 Peps Wine & Spirits Liquor Store (405) 455-5137 10001 SE 15th Street Ste B OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/PEPSLIQUOR/
Moore 73160 Bootlegger, The Liquor Store (405) 799-7648 1332 N Eastern Ave OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/pages/Bootlegger-Liquor/197026400311591
Moore 73160 Cheers Wine & Spirits Liquor Store (405) 759-3029 1019 SW 19th St OK Yes https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwie0Z7enu7_AhVCmmoFHRY7C90QFnoECCMQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fprofile.php%3Fid%3D100089629494279&usg=AOvVaw0VRnxPkHUohnv6PJ2yiIY5&opi=89978449
Moore 73160 Sammys Liquor Liquor Store (405) 237-3550 816 SE 4th St, Moore OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/Sammys-Liquor-620890718091369/
Muskogee 74401 Broadway Liquor Mixers Liquor Store (918) 683-1306 3116 W Broadway St OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/broadway.liquor/
Muskogee 74401 The Break Restaurant (918) 608-6008 310 S 3rd St OK Yes https://www.tripadvisor.com/Restaurant_Review-g51535-d15675367-Reviews-The_Break-Muskogee_Oklahoma.html
Muskogee 74403 USA Liquors Liquor Store (918) 686-7378 903 N York St OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/USA-Liquors-Wine-Cellar-106964392693261/
Norman 73069 Cellar Wine & Spirits Liquor Store (405) 329-9463 555 W Main St OK Yes https://www.cellarnorman.com/
Norman 73069 Corkscrew Wine & Spirits Liquor Store (405) 573-9273 2319 W Lindsey St OK Yes https://corkscrewnorman.com/
Norman 73069 Spirit Shop, The Liquor Store (405) 321-3100 109 S. Berry Rd OK Yes https://twitter.com/TheSpiritShop
Norman 73071 Joe’s Wine & Spirits Liquor Store (405) 364-9262 1330 E Alameda St OK Yes http://www.joeswinesandspirits.com/
Norman 73071 University Liquor Liquor Store (405) 573-1977 1215 E Lindsey St. OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/pages/University-Liquor/455229587932459
Okarche 73762 Woody’s Liquor Store Liquor Store (405) 263-4856 201 S. 2nd Street OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/WoodysLiqourStore/
Oklahoma City 73103 Pump Bar, The Bar & Grill (405) 702-8898 2425 N Walker Ave OK Yes https://www.pumpbar.net/
Oklahoma City 73104 Parlor Restaurant (405) 294-4740 11 NE 6th St OK Yes http://www.parlorokc.com/
Oklahoma City 73107 Modern Liquor Liquor Store (405) 528-6995 2918 N Pennsylvania Ave OK Yes https://modernliquorokc.com/
Oklahoma City 73107 Sams A Wholesale Liquor Liquor Store (405) 943-2184 3625 NW 23rd St OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sams-Wholesale-Priced-Liquor/134331783282458
Oklahoma City 73108 K & J’s (Millissa’s) Early Bird Bar Bar (405) 681-4248 2117 S May Ave OK Yes https://www.yelp.com/biz/millissas-early-bird-bar-oklahoma-city-2
Oklahoma City 73112 Mill Bar & Grill, The Bar & Grill (405) 949-0504 3600 NW 58th St OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/The-Mill-Neighborhood-Bar-330233634246/
Oklahoma City 73112 Northside Liquor Liquor Store (405) 546-7634 4220 N May Ave OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/NSideLiquor/
Oklahoma City 73116 Panchos Liquortown Liquor Store (405) 721-7351 6801 N Meridian Ave OK Yes https://panchos-liquortown.business.site/
Oklahoma City 73116 Sam’s Warehouse Liquor Liquor Store (405) 810-9111 2933 NW 63rd St OK Yes https://www.samsliquorokc.com/
Oklahoma City 73120 Grand Cru Wine & Spirits Liquor Store (405) 749-9463 9275 N May Ave OK Yes https://www.grandcruokc.com
Oklahoma City 73127 Council Ten Liquor Liquor Store (405) 789-3500 1015 N Council Rd OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/Council10Liquor/
Oklahoma City 73132 Express Liquor Liquor Store (405) 722-1536 9218 N Council Rd OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/expressliquor405/
Oklahoma City 73132 Liquor Barn Liquor Store (405) 728-7300 6969 NW Expressway OK Yes https://www.swsokc.com/
Oklahoma City 73132 Party City Party Supplies (405) 721-1895 6920 NW Expressway OK Yes https://stores.partycity.com/us/ok/oklahomacity/party-store-pc1080.html
Oklahoma City 73141 Cousins Disc Liquor Liquor Store (405) 769-2337 9205 NE 23rd St OK Yes https://cousins-discount-liquor.business.site/?utm_source=gmb&utm_medium=referral
Oolagah 74053 NM Liquor Store Liquor Store   365 US-169 Unit C OK Yes  
Owasso 74055 Emersumnice Brewery Brewery (918) 330-3973 102 S. Main St, Suite E OK Yes https://emersumnicebrewery.com/
Owasso 74055 Garrett Creek Wine and Spirits Liquor Store (918) 371-7776 11560 N 135th E Ave OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Local-business/Garrett-Creek-Wine-and-Spirits-Formerly-BlackBeards-596468257061102/
Owasso 74055 Kwenchers Wine & Spirits Liquor Store (918) 609-6753 12914 E 86th St N OK Yes https://mobile.twitter.com/kwenchers
Owasso 74055 Liquids Wine & Spirits Liquor Store (918) 272-9463 11413 E 96th St N OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/Liquidsowasso/
Owasso 74055 Owasso Liquor & Wine Liquor Store (918) 272-4202 8787 N Owasso Expy, Ste C OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/owassoliquor/
Owasso 74055 The District Bar & Grill (918) 274-9006 106 S Atlanta St OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/Owassodistrictbar/
Pryor 74361 Down South Liquors Liquor Store (918) 373-8118 6201 S Mill St OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/downsouthliquors/
Purcell 73080 TK’s Cork and Bottle – Purcell Liquor Store (405) 527-6163 503 S Green Ave OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/TKs-Cork-and-Bottle-296699401003448/
Red Rock 74651 7C Land & Cattle Steakhouse Restaurant (580) 723-1060 7500 US-177 OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/7ClansParadiseCasino/
Sand Springs 74063 2nd Street Package Liquor Store (918) 514-4298 201 E 2nd St OK Yes https://www.loc8nearme.com/oklahoma/sand-springs/2nd-street-package/3753988/
Sand Springs 74063 Riverview Wine and Spirits Liquor Store (918) 241-8717 114 S. Adams Rd OK Yes https://www.riverviewwines.com/
Sand Springs 74063-4000 TJ Wine and Spirits Liquor Store (918) 241-1900 3418 S Highway 97 OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/TJs.Wine.Spirits/
Sapulpa 74066 Liquor Mart Liquor Store (918) 224-7875 517 S Main St OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Wine–Beer—Spirits-Store/Liquor-Mart-365183797025657/
Sapulpa 74066 Pats Place Bar (918) 224-2271 17 E Dewey Ave OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/patsplacesapulpa74066/
Stillwater 74074 Stillwater Wine & Spirits Warehouse Liquor Store (405) 533-1466 3954 W 6th Ave OK Yes http://wineandspiritswarehouse.com/
Stillwater 74075 Brown’s Bottle Shop Liquor Store (405) 372-5080 128 N. Main OK Yes http://www.brownsbottleshop.com/
Sulphur 73086 Stone Creek Wine & Spirit Liquor Store (580) 622-2433 18 W Oklahoma Ave OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/stonecreekliquorstore
Tahlequah 74464 At the Y Liquor Liquor Store (918) 456-9463 5571 S Muskogee Ave OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/AtTheYLiquor/
Tulsa 74104 Ed’s Hurricane Lounge Bar (918) 587-4610 3216 E. 11th St OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/Edshurricane/
Tulsa 74105 Parkhill’s Warehouse Liquor and Wine Liquor Store (918) 742-4187 5111 S. Lewis Ave OK Yes http://parkhillsliquor.com/
Tulsa 74105 Riverside Wine & Spirits Liquor Store (918) 271-5797 5820 S Peoria Ave OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/p/Riverside-Wine-Spirits-100054481404570/
Tulsa 74105 Slo-Ride Tavern Bar (918) 949-3393 4133 S Peoria Ave OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/pages/Slo-Ride/144001822299204
Tulsa 74112 Collins Midtown Liquor Liquor Store (918) 742-0778 1649 S Yale Ave OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/midtown.liquor.7/
Tulsa 74112 White Crow Tavern Bar (918) 836-7522 424 S Memorial Dr OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/whitecrowtavern/
Tulsa 74115 Crown Spirits Liquor Store (918) 794-0794 7435 E. Admiral Pl OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/Crownspiritstulsa
Tulsa 74115 Steve’s 727 Club Sports Bar (918) 836-8529 727 N Sheridan Rd OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Dance—Night-Club/Steves-727-Club-1956801814534295/
Tulsa 74120 Fur Shop, The Bar (918) 949-4292 520 E 3rd St OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/TheFurShopTulsa
Tulsa 74120 Swamp House Restaurant and Live Music (539) 867-1646 1529 E. 3rd St OK Yes https://www.swamphousetulsa.com/
Tulsa 74129 Miami Nights Restaurant & Lounge Cuban Restaurant (918) 835-4522 6510 E 21 St. OK Yes https://www.miaminightstulsa.com/
Tulsa 74129 Sheridan Discount Liquor Liquor Store (918) 947-5477 2110 S. Sheridan Rd OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/sheridandiscountliquor
Tulsa 74133 B&B Liquor Warehouse – Mingo Liquor Store (918) 254-4688 7002 S. Mingo Rd OK Yes http://www.bbliquortulsa.com/
Tulsa 74133 Grapes and Grains Liquors and Wines Liquor Store (918) 250-4020 8929 S Memorial Dr, Suite 240 OK Yes https://www.yelp.com/biz/grapes-and-grains-liquors-and-wines-tulsa
Tulsa 74133 PJ’s Pub & Grill Pub and Grill (918) 806-6869 9999 S Mingo Rd Ste Y OK Yes http://www.pjspubandgrill.com/
Tulsa 74133 Toddy’s Liquor and Wine Liquor Store (918) 960-2000 8005 S Sheridan Rd OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/Toddys-Liquor-Store-203106186920/
Tulsa 74135 Ranch Acres Wine & Spirits Liquor Store (918) 747-1171 3324 East 31st Street OK Yes https://www.ranchacreswine.com/
Tulsa 74136 McNellies South City Irish Pub (918) 933-5250 7031 S Zurich Ave OK Yes https://www.mcnellies.com/locations/south-tulsa/
Tulsa 74136 Oklahoma Joes – South Tulsa Restaurant (918) 894-4447 6175 E 61st St OK Yes https://okjoes.com/locations/south-tulsa
Tulsa 74137 B&B Liquor South Liquor Store (918) 299-1722 2828 E 91st St OK Yes http://www.bbliquorsouth.com/
Tulsa 74145 Deep Discount Wine & Liquor Liquor Store (918) 528-4233 6525 E 51st St OK Yes https://deepdiscounttulsa.com/
Tulsa 74146 Crossbow Liquor Liquor Store (918) 665-1212 11001 E. 41st St OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/CrossbowliquorTulsa/
Tuttle 73089 Hinie Winey Liquor Store (405) 381-0200 5021 E Highway 37 OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/HinieWine/
Tuttle 73089 Tuttle Liquor Liquor Store (405) 381-4991 404 E Main St OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/Tuttle-Liquor-215540249228413/
Vinita 74301 Green Country Liquor Liquor Store (918) 256-6721 429 E Illinois Ave OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/GreenCountryLiquorandSpirits/
Wagoner 74467 Land Run Liquor Liquor Store (918) 485-0411 303 Blake Dr OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/landrun.liquor/
Waurika 73573 Side Track Liquor Liquor Store (580) 313-0703 227 N. Main OK Yes  
West Siloam Springs 74964 Macadoodles Liquor Store (918) 626-2066 248 S. Hwy 59 OK Yes https://macadoodles.com/west-siloam-springs/
Woodward 73801 Annie’s Liquor Liquor Store (580) 256-2025 2221 Oklahoma Ave OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Wine–Beer—Spirits-Store/Annies-Liquor-364157970395988/
Yukon 73099 Vineyard Wine & Spirits Liquor Store (405) 373-4500 12121 NW Expressway OK Yes https://www.facebook.com/vineyardwinespirits/?rf=230173853783918